বুধবার, ৫ অক্টোবর, ২০১৬

Complaint:LUKE 6:46-49

body: Complaint against disciples for not listening and doing what He says.
Through His complaint Jesus revealed a true side of disciples that is they are the people of merely words but not actions.
Not listening and not doing what Jesus said was the weakest side of disciples' lives.
Two thousand year ago Jesus revealed this weakest part of His followers.
But after two thousand years we many have the same weakest side in our life, His complaint is applicable to many of us even today.
We many say like those disciples Lord, Lord, we many pray in coarse voice shedding tears for His grace, mercy, compassion etc.
But in practical we do not listen and do what He says
But in this Scripture portion Jesus wants us to listen and do what He says.
In the book of Matthew chapter  8 Verses  19-22 we find story of teaching two persons aspirants to be disciples. (Illustrate)
In our case: (Illustrate)
In Galatians 5:22 we find fruits of Holy Spirit-Love, Joy, Peace, Long suffering, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-control.
Jesus wants us to produce all these fruits and show the world.
In our case: (Illustrate)
It means we do not listen and do what He says.
But He wants us to listen and do what He says.
What is meaning of listening and doing?
=To be truthful to Him.

In Bible we see those who were truthful to Him have finally been blessed.
Jona: used in Neneva,
Abraham: Journey for unknown place but God guided him to the right place.
Noah: making ship and saved himself along with...
Peter: failed catching fish first but according to Jesus' word caught a lot of fishes.
Later in verses ...He classified those listen and do according to His word as ...
And those who do not as ....
In our case: we want like those who listen and do
Requirement: listening and doing what Jesus says


What Jesus says in these particular verses is to clearly indicate a particular side of His followers or disciples.

We see in what Jesus says in verse 46 that the disciples

And the side is weakness or inability to do what Jesus says to do.

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